Monday 10 September 2012

Swansea University Work Experience 03

On day three of the work experience, I went on a field trip with the 'Biosciences Department' to Oxwich to look for otter remains.  They were looking for there poo to establish what they were eating to survive in the Gower area as a part of a study.  Although we didn't see any otters, poo was found and they were able collect the poo for further study back at the lab (as pictured below).

They asked me to come along with them and photograph the day, their findings and some wildlife for the ' Biosciences Department'.

This is picking out the particles of food from the poo to establish what the otters are eating.

 Above are the images of the group that went on the field trip down Oxwich.

These are the images I managed to capture of the wildlife that was about down Oxwich; above are pictures of water snails, tadpoles and two different breeds of moths.


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  2. Amazing pictures, Bravo. I must say you are a really amazing photographer. Thanks for sharing your art and experience with us. I really love reading your blog. We are a student accommodation provider we often get queries from students related to their University- Lifestyle, work process etc. I will surely recommend your blog with students who are planning to pursue education from Swansea University.

    Keep doing Good Work.

    Thanks & Regards
    Student Accommodation Swansea
