Sports Photography

A Day With Jack Kirtley

Back in the Easter Holidays (2012), I went on a photography shoot with my friend Jack Kirtley with the aim of doing a whole skateboarding photoshoot in one day.  With this kind of photography, it is normally very difficult to do a whole photoshoot in one day as there are many factors that could affect the shoot such as weather, injuries or security.  However, I was pleased with the outcomes.  

This selection of the colour images were the photographs that I was most pleased with.  I set out to use a variety of long lenses with close up shots of the same spot.  I felt that a long lense would establish the area that we were shooting in and effectively portray the kind of environment that we were shooting in.  

I decided to shoot Kirtley closer in some of the other shots to show what the main subject was within the images and also show the spot from a different angle.  These images could have been stronger if I were to use flashes to highlight the skater so that he did not appear as strongly shaddowed within the images.  This is something I will remember for the next skateboarding photography shoot I do.

With these last two images, I tried to obtain something a bit different and shoot through the metal grid of the car park on to the road while Kirtley was doing some tricks.  I wanted to try and create something a bit different composition wise and thought this might be a good idea.  However, I think the background is a bit too busy and the composition is poor so I am not to happy with the outcome of these particular images, but they offer something different so that is why I uploaded them.

Sam Austin - Constitution Hill


With this set of images, I tried to convey the two angles of the obstacle that Smaustin was trying to ollie over.  That is why I shot the image from his perspective as well as the angle that actually shows the height of the metal barrier that he is ollieing over.  I cannot remember the sort of settings I used to shoot this image, but in post-processing I did alter the colours on Photoshop to make the colours more vibrant on the metal poles.  I feel that together, these images make for an interesting composition.

Marc Thomas at Westcross Miniramp, Swansea

I took these photographs of Marc down Westcross Miniramp ages ago.  Originally I did not think that I would use them but after post-processing them to black and white, I like the wide tonal range that was in these images and the silhouette of Marc skating the ramp with the grey sky as a background.  I think that these are successful images and I was happy with the outcomes of each of them.

Exist Skatepark

These images of Gareth Thomas were all taken using a wide angle lens.  They were taken with the intention of showing off some of the facilities that were in the park and how they could be used.  I am happy with these selection of images as I feel I have effectively used the space within the image to both portray the facilities in the park and the trick that Gaz was doing.  I also think that the lighting was done successfully as it foregrounds the main topic within the image and the background is faded out highlighting the main points of interest.

I took this photo of 'Welsh' Tommy on the miniramp on the same photoshoot.  Although I am happy with the colours in the image, I didn't take this photograph close enough to Tommy and feel that it is a weaker composition because of that.  I should have made him the more dominant subject within the frame.

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